
Showing 817–864 of 1040 results

Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Raw G Worktop

Raw G Worktop from the Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Silestone | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Concrete-effect | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.

Red Granite Kitchen Worktops

Red Gaby Granite Worktop

Red Gaby Granite Worktop from the Red Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Dekton Kitchen Worktops

Rem Worktop

Rem Worktop from the Dekton Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: Dekton | Finishes: Matte | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Residente Dark Technistone Worktop

Residente Dark Technistone Worktop from the Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Stone-effect | Brand: Technistone | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Thickness: 20mm.

Grey Neolith Kitchen Worktops

Retrostone Neolith Worktop

Retrostone Neolith Worktop from the Grey Neolith Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Terrazzo | Brand: Neolith | Finishes: Matte | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 6mm | Slab Sizes: Jumbo, Standard.

Dekton Kitchen Worktops

Reverie Worktop

Reverie Worktop from the Dekton Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Dekton | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo, Standard | Style: Marble-effect | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 4mm, 8mm.

Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rising Sun Granite Worktop

Rising Sun Granite Worktop from the Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Riviere Rose Silestone Worktop

Riviere Rose Silestone Worktop from the White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Silestone | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Style: Stone-effect | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.

Red Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rojo Alicante Worktop

Rojo Alicante Worktop from the Red Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Red Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rojo Balmoral Worktop

Rojo Balmoral Worktop from the Red Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Red Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rojo Levantina Worktop

Rojo Levantina Worktop from the Red Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Roma Bqs Worktop

Roma Bqs Worktop from the Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: BQS | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Standard | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Romano Ricco Technistone Worktop from the Green Granite, White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Technistone | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Marble-effect | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Romantic Ash Worktop

Romantic Ash Worktop from the Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: Silestone | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.

Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rosa Bellisimo Granite Worktop

Rosa Bellisimo Granite Worktop from the Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rosa Porriño Worktop

Rosa Porriño Worktop from the Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Pink Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rosa Zarci Worktop

Rosa Zarci Worktop from the Pink Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Limestone Slabs

Rosal Limestone Worktop

Discover Rosal, a Portuguese limestone with beige hues and brown veins. It is perfect for traditional and modern designs.

Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rosavel Worktop

Rosavel Worktop from the Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rose De La Clarté Granite Worktop

Rose De La Clarté Granite Worktop from the Pink & Purple Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White and Grey Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rose Sarde Granite Worktop

Rose Sarde Granite Worktop from the White and Grey Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Pink Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rosso Alicante Marble Worktop

Rosso Alicante Marble Worktop from the Pink Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Brown Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rosso Levanto Marble Worktop

Rosso Levanto Marble Worktop from the Brown Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Red Marble Kitchen Worktops

Rosso Verona Marble Worktop

Rosso Verona Marble Worktop from the Red Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Black Marble Kitchen Worktops

Royal Black Worktop

Royal Black Worktop from the Black Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Royal White Diresco Worktop

Royal White Diresco Worktop from the White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Diresco | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Solid Colour | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Black Granite Kitchen Worktops

Rustenburg Top Medium R Worktop

Rustenburg Top Medium R Worktop from the Black Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Porcelain Kitchen Worktops

Sahara Grey A Uniceramica Worktop

Sahara Grey A Uniceramica Worktop from the Porcelain Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Marble-effect | Thickness: 12mm.

Porcelain Kitchen Worktops

Sahara Grey B Uniceramica Worktop

Sahara Grey B Uniceramica Worktop from the Porcelain Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Marble-effect | Thickness: 12mm.

Black Granite Kitchen Worktops

Sahara Nights Worktop

Sahara Nights Worktop from the Black Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Sahara Noir Unistone Worktop

Sahara Noir Unistone Worktop from the Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: Unistone | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Slab Sizes: Standard | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Black Granite Kitchen Worktops

San Gabriel Worktop

San Gabriel Worktop from the Black Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White Neolith Kitchen Worktops

San Simone Neolith Worktop

San Simone Neolith Worktop from the White Neolith Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: Neolith | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 6mm | Slab Sizes: Jumbo, Standard.

Cream Marble Kitchen Worktops

San Vincente Marble Worktop

San Vincente Marble Worktop from the Cream Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: The Surface Collection | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Standard | Style: Natural Marble | Thickness: 30mm.

Beige Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Sandford Silkstone Worktop

Sandford Silkstone Worktop from the Beige Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Silkstone | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Stone-effect | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Dekton Kitchen Worktops

Sandik Worktop

Sandik Worktop from the Dekton Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Dekton | Finishes: Textured | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Stone-effect | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 8mm.

Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops

Santa Cecilia Gold Worktop

Santa Cecilia Gold Worktop from the Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White and Grey Granite Kitchen Worktops

Santa Cecilia Light Worktop

Santa Cecilia Light Worktop from the White and Grey Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops

Santa Cecilia Worktop

Santa Cecilia Worktop from the Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Matte, Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Blue Granite Kitchen Worktops

Saphir Blue Granite Worktop

Saphir Blue Granite Worktop from the Blue Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Sardinian White Worktop

Sardinian White Worktop from the White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Solid Colour | Brand: Silkstone | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Standard | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Cream Marble Kitchen Worktops

Serpeggiante Worktop

Serpeggiante Worktop from the Cream Marble Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Marble | Brand: Levantina | Finishes: Polished | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

Grey Neolith Kitchen Worktops

Shilin Neolith Worktop

Shilin Neolith Worktop from the Grey Neolith Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Stone-effect | Brand: Neolith | Finishes: Textured | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 6mm | Slab Sizes: Jumbo, Standard.

Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops

Shivakasi Ivory Granite Worktop

Shivakasi Ivory Granite Worktop from the Yellow and Gold Granite Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Natural Granite | Brand: Brachot | Finishes: Polished, Textured | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm | Slab Sizes: Standard.

White Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Siberia Bqs Worktop

Siberia Bqs Worktop from the White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Granular | Brand: BQS | Finishes: Polished | Slab Sizes: Standard | Thickness: 20mm, 30mm.

Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Silestone Corktown Worktop

Silestone Corktown Worktop from the Black Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Stone-effect | Brand: Silestone | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.

Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Silestone Ffrom 01 Worktop

Silestone Ffrom 01 Worktop from the Grey Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Brand: Silestone | Finishes: Matte | Slab Sizes: Jumbo | Style: Stone-effect | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.

White Quartz Kitchen Worktops

Silestone Miami Vena Worktop

Silestone Miami Vena Worktop from the White Quartz Kitchen Worktops collection of stone countertops. Style: Marble-effect | Brand: Silestone | Finishes: Matte, Polished | Slab Sizes: Jumbo, Standard | Thickness: 12mm, 20mm, 30mm.